Following is just a selection of the output of our class. If you have other materials that you would like included here, please click Contact Us and provide the information.
Timothy Albrecht
"Grace Notes, Too! For Organ" COMPOSER/ORGANIST TIMOTHY ALBRECHT ’73 ACA DIGITAL RECORDINGS INC., 2005 "Grace Notes, Too! continues where Albrecht’s earlier recording, Grace Notes, stopped. While Grace Notes was a recording of volumes I-V, Grace Notes, Too! includes more recent publications of hymn introductions found in volumes VI-VIII. The CD employs a variety of accessible improvisational and compositional means, again including techniques such as ritornello, quotation music, fugue, text painting, and canon."
Edith W. Clowes
"Russia on the Edge: Imagined Geographies and Post-Soviet Identity" BY EDITH W. CLOWES ’73 CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2011
Saroj Nadkarni Ghoting
"Early Literacy Storytimes @ your library: Partnering with Caregivers for Success" BY SAROJ NADKARNI GHOTING ’73 AND PAMELA MARTIN-DÍAZ AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 2006 "Research confirms that reading success starts with young children enjoying library storytimes and Ghoting and Martin-Díaz use this research to provide scripts and plans to help children’s librarians enhance print motivation, phonological awareness, vocabulary, narrative skills, print awareness, and letter knowledge."
Joan Oliver Goldsmith
How Can We Keep from Singing: Music and the Passionate Life, by Joan Oliver Goldsmith (pub. 2001 W.W. Norton). In this "rousing book that salutes the passion, the joy, and the pleasures of singing, music, and practice" (Spirituality and Health), Joan Oliver Goldsmith celebrates America's over 20 million singers and "teaches us pursue a creative passion is a true act of love" (New Age). She guides us not only behind the scenes of choirs and ensembles but inside the making and hearing of harmonious sound. "Her words soar, growl, cry and whisper. And they inspire" (Publishers Weekly, starred review). As Goldsmith shares wisdom about finding one's voice, making mistakes, teaching, friendship, and the essential elements of creativity, "you'll learn [that] much of what she's learned from music is applicable to almost any life" (Minneapolis Star Tribune). "'Singing for your life' is what Goldsmith's book is all about. Read it and sing!"―Bobby McFerrin
David M. Halperin
"Gay Shame" BY DAVID M. HALPERIN ’73 AND VALERIE TRAUB UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS, 2010 "Ever since the 1969 Stonewall Riots, ‘gay pride’ has been the rallying cry of the gay rights movement and the political force behind the emergence of the field of gay and lesbian studies. But has something been lost, forgotten, or buried beneath the drive to transform homosexuality from a perversion to a proud social identity? Have the political requirements of gay pride repressed discussion of the more uncomfortable or undignified aspects of homosexuality? Gay Shame seeks to lift this unofficial ban on the investigation of homosexuality and shame by presenting critical work from the most vibrant frontier in contemporary queer studies."
Dennis Henigan
"Lethal Logic: Exploding the Myths that Paralyze American Gun Policy" BY DENNIS A. HENIGAN ’73 POTOMAC BOOKS, INC., 2009 '"Guns don’t kill people; people kill people." "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." "An armed society is a polite society." Henigan contends that the gun lobby's remarkable success in blocking passage of lifesaving gun laws is the result, in large part, of its relentless and effective use of these simple and resonant messages. He discusses the profound and deadly impact of the gun lobby’s bumper-sticker logic on the gun control debate and systematically exposes the misguided thinking at the core of the pro-gun slogans.'
In June the Labyrinth is a book-length serial poem that is part pilgrimage, part elegy, in which the main character, Elle, embarks on a quest of sorts, investigating not only the “labyrinth” as myth and symbol, but the “labyrinth of the broken heart.”
Lucy Marks
"Seeking Life Whole: Willa Cather and the Brewsters: LUCY MARKS ’73 AND DAVID PORTER FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2009 "This book sheds new light on the well-documented life of writer Willa Cather and on the less-documented lives of her friends, the painters Earl and Achsah Brewster, an expatriate couple whose other friends included D.H. Lawrence, the Nehru family, and Gandhi. Leaning on a trove of letters between Cather and the Brewsters and on two memoirs—one written by Achsah and the other by the Brewsters’ daughter—the book offers insight into their four-decade friendship, plus interesting details about the quirky, well-traveled couple."
Thomas Michl
"Capitalists, Workers, and Fiscal Policy: A Classical Model of Growth and Distribution" THOMAS R. MICHL ’73 HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2009 "Capitalists, Workers, and Fiscal Policy homes in specifically on the problem of fiscal policy, examining the ways that taxation and government spending affect the distribution of wealth and income as well as the rate of economic growth."
John Powers
"Sore Winners AMERICAN IDOLS, PATRIOTIC SHOPPERS, AND OTHER STRANGE SPECIES IN GEORGE BUSH'S AMERICA" Politics and culture, culture and politics. They’ve never been normal in America, but today they’re weirder than ever. Millionaire populists like Bill O’Reilly and Michael Moore dominate a political scene spinning ever further from the real world; meanwhile, we look to bizarre experiments like “Survivor” for our daily dose of reality.In this wonderfully acerbic tour through our increasingly unhinged culture, John Powers takes on celebrities and evangelicals, pundits and politicians, making sense of the mess for the rest of us. He shows how we have come to equate consumerism with patriotism and Fox News with objective journalism, and how our culture has become more polarized than ever even as we all shop at the same exact big-box stores. Insightful, hilarious, and critical of both liberals and conservatives, this is one of the smartest and most enjoyable books on American culture in years.
"Morgan (a Lyric) is an elegy for a lover in the extended and slow acts of tenderness, pain, and joy that leads up to the eventual loss, specifically of the late poet Morgan Lucas Schuldt. Boyer Rickel has written one long breath, an inhale and exhale as an offering to his lover whose lungs were failing. In a collage of flaws, gaps, and moments of heightened awareness, time is both suspended, yet speeding forward at an ever ravaging pace."
Thomas Riis
"Just Before Jazz: Black Musical Theatre in New York, 1890 to 1915." This book fills a gap in our understanding of the history of American musical theater by bringing to light the unique contributions of black composers, producers, and performers to the origin and development of popular song form. Immediately striking is the revelation that the composers and performers working in black musical theater were often well educated and classically trained--a revelation that adds a fresh complexity to the usual notions of the evolution of black music. Riis concentrates on a discussion of the shows and the songs, often in musicological terms that might prove daunting to lay readers. Careful documentation and exhaustive appendixes make this work a valuable addition to music collections; it is also recommended for black history and larger theater collections.
Philip Sohm
"Painting for Profit: The Economic Lives of Seventeenth-Century Italian Painters" BY RICHARD E. SPEAR, EMERITI AND PHILIP SOHM ’73 YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2010
Doug Wechsler
"Marvels in the Muck: Life in the Salt Marshes" BY DOUG WECHSLER ’73 BOYDS MILLS PRESS, 2009 "Young readers aged 10 and older will discover the natural wonders of salt marshes through easy-to-read text and colorful photographs. Salt marshes, home to an abundance of wildlife, grow in bays behind ocean beaches and where rivers flow into the sea."
"Declension in the Village of Chung Luong" BY BRUCE WEIGL ’73 AUSABLE PRESS, 2005 "This collection of poetry “achieves the shriven lyric, writing under the prospect of eternal armaments darkening the heavens,” lauds acclaimed poet Carolyn Forché. The focus of the collection is Chung Luong, the village where the author’s daughter was born. Weigl has written, edited, and translated about 20 works. He has been nominated for and awarded many honors, including a Pulitzer Prize."
Carolyn Marie Wilkins
"They Raised Me Up: A Black Single Mother and the Women Who Inspired Her" Carolyn Marie Wilkins ’73 University of Missouri Press "This memoir focuses on the many challenges the author faced when she moved to a gritty suburb of Boston to try to make it in the music world. But it also tells of the inspiration she gained from several ancestors who took similar paths before her."